Saints' Books
holy books and extracts for the soul
These pages contain a listing of the books available from Saints' Books and various other Internet book archival sites for your edification and sanctification.
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Thanks to the kind donations we can currently host all books directly without recourse to offsite links. Please remember to pray and give thanks for all the gifts of God, and for the kind helpers and donors that help provide these books.
When surfing the Internet offsite please remember to use filtering and blocking software, and to practice temperance in the amount of time spent.
Volunteers Wanted! If you would like to be part of spreading the works of the saints, all it takes is simple proofreading skills and time.
The books are provided free of charge. Please consider making a donation. Donations help to prepare and provide more books to more visitors for safe and secure direct download and to pay for the costs of these services.
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Further Info & Notes
Sources: These books have been made available originally from transcriptions by volunteers for Saints' Books and a variety of online book resource sites, including but not limited to, Google Books, the Internet Archive, Scribd, Gutenberg, Medieval Texts, etc.
In many cases the works that are provided are translations from the original, and these translations can vary in quality, though the best that is permissible to be distributed is sought -- please consider referring to, too the original sources.
If you are an author, publisher, or part of a religious order interested in providing free e-books from devout authors, and would like your works to appear on the Saints' Books website, please contact the website helpers.
The books and extracts sought for provision in the Saints' Books library are from the public domain or copyright retained but permission to be freely redistributed e-texts.
Saints' Books is always glad to help in book distribution and will provide e-books for as long the original publisher desires.
Saints' Books focuses primarily on works by and about the saints, and then to a lesser degree, from authors with causes for canonization, and finally, selected individual works of the highest quality from devout authors of the past.
Visitors please also consider purchasing these books provided from a Catholic bookseller, for ease of reading, to give as gifts and for support of good booksellers.
Please also consider donating to Saints' Books to support this continued free service.
Free Catholic e-books. Free electronic books, ebooks, e-books, of the saints available for download. Download to your Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, iPad, Mac, PC, or other eReader. All completely free Christian e-books for your e-reader.